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Friends of the Library 


The Friends of the New Castle Public Library is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting and supporting the library. The Friends donate monies monthly to purchase the current best-selling titles in fiction and non-fiction. As you look around the Library, shelving, display cases, chairs, and even computer tables were purchased by the Friends.


The Friends of the Library group was organized in 1992 through the efforts of Margaret Bidinotto, Jeen Nunn, Ginny Collbridge, Muriel French, and Jody Whitman. Membership has grown over the years as more people learn about the activities and achievements of the Friends. New members are always welcome. Dues are tax-deductible.



Ginny Pagliaro - president 

Gai Bowers - vice president 

Vicki Francis - co-treasurer 

Nancy Bonk - co-treasurer

Kathy Heess - recording secretary 

Carol Colaizzi - corresponding secretary

Stacy Brown - board member at large

Marianne Riehl - board member at large

Beth Kelm - Book Cellar manager


Friends of the Library meetings are held in the Library's Copernicus Room on the second Monday of each month at 11 a.m.


The Book Celler is staffed and operated by volunteer members from the Friends of the Library on Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays. On Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays, staffing is provided by the Pathsone Program.

Over the years, donations from the Friends have supported many Library programs and staff development activities. The Friends have helped with the purchase of books and Kindles as well.


Likewise, the Friends have contributed toward a variety of capital improvements. These include the automated doors at the side of the building, the sprinkler and security systems, and furniture.

Friend of the Year

The Evelyn Marburger Award Friend of the Year Honorees presented by the Board of Trustees to the "friend" who has exemplified the meaning of friend:

2013 Evelyn Marburger

2014 Vicki Francis

2015 Beth Kelm

2016 Marianne Hooker

2017 Beverly Gocal

2018 Judith Duda

2019 Jody Greene

2020 Patricia Bernard

2021 Carol Colaizzi and Mitch Olszak

2022 Luanne Fabry

The Book Cellar

Book Cellar hours:

  • Monday - Wednesday: 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

  • Thursday and Friday: 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

  • Saturday: 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

News: The library's elevator may be down but the Book Cellar is still open in a scaled-down version on the first floor.

All donations to the book cellar should be made at the front desk of the library. There is a limit of 25 items or one medium-sized box at a time. 

The Book Cellar offers a wide selection of gently used books at a price everyone can afford. Looking for a last minute gift? The Book Cellar also carries a selection of gift items suitable for all ages.


Friends of the Library members volunteer their time to operate and staff The Book Cellar. All proceeds are used to support and expand the services and resources at the New Castle Public Library.


















Book Cellar Phone:

      724-658-6659, ext. 131



Book Cellar
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